Thursday, December 11, 2008


started off at 4am with my boy getting locked up as well...putting all of us in the red to end the year and starting it off with court dates. petty stuff though nothing too major, just a day to day inconvience that could happen to anyone. other then that though, i posted and vented on the mullet....somehow folks turned it into this big hugeeee debate about me not being a good rapper and how they will demolish our whole roster...consisting of myself,pb tank,gutta,gee bully and t weeze lol. whatever! if you never seen a thread get 1000 views and over 200 replies about absolutely nothing....well you need to follow me and loooooooooooook!

luckily my boy got a pr bond and is home now, so it's back to the music, kids and treating life like it can be taken away from us anytime..cuz it can!